17 Effective Landmine Upper Body Exercises For Building Strength & Muscle

Are you tired of the same old upper-body exercises? Landmine training offers a fresh approach, combining strength and muscle building in one effective routine.

This article will guide you through essential landmine exercises to boost your overall conditioning and ramp up your workout game.

Read on to explore new territories in your physical fitness journey:

Understanding Landmine Training

Landmine training is a great way to build muscle and get stronger. It uses a barbell and lets you do many exercises. The landmine station can be in the corner of a room or tied to a rack.

This type of exercise is different because it adds rotation. This helps your whole body get strong, not just some parts! With landmine workouts, you target more than one muscle at once.

Plus, these moves are kind to your joints, so you can avoid injury.

You use your core strength when doing these movements, too. This makes sure that all muscles work well together. You will also feel better grip strength with this training!

There are many types of exercises for landmine training; from shoulder presses to lateral raises and even chest presses. All these moves make different muscles in your body stronger.

So remember, if you want an effective workout that works out the whole body, try landmine training!

Essential Landmine Upper Body Exercises

The essential landmine upper body exercises include the landmine shoulder press, lateral raise, Meadows row, single-arm landmine row, single-arm landmine chest press, landmine press (plate pinch variation), and landmine fly.

1. Landmine Shoulder Press

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The landmine shoulder press is a great exercise for strengthening your shoulders and can be a good option if you have any irritation in your shoulders from regular pressing movements.

It also helps to strengthen your core, specifically the oblique muscles. Form is really important when doing this exercise, especially with heavier weights, so make sure you use proper technique to avoid getting injured.

While landmine exercises shouldn’t completely replace barbell movements, they can be used as alternatives to target similar muscles and attributes. Start with lighter weights and gradually increase the weight to prevent injury and prepare your body for the workout.

2. Landmine Lateral Raise

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The landmine lateral raise is a great exercise for targeting the deltoid muscles in your shoulders. All you need is a landmine station and a barbell to perform this exercise. It’s an effective way to activate all heads of the shoulder muscles, giving them a challenging workout.

Unlike other lateral raise variations, the leverage provided by the landmine allows for a longer range of motion, helping you build strength and muscle in your shoulders. So if you’re looking to strengthen and develop your delts, give the landmine lateral raise a try!

3. Landmine Meadows Row

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The Meadows Row is a popular exercise for weightlifters, athletes, and bodybuilders. It’s a variation of the landmine exercise that specifically targets the upper back and lats. This exercise allows you to train these muscles without having to fully bend over, making it more comfortable and accessible for many people.

The Meadows Row was made famous by John Meadows, a well-known fitness expert. By incorporating the Meadows Row into your training routine, you can effectively strengthen and develop your upper back and lats, helping you improve your performance in various sports and activities while also building muscle size and strength.

4. Single-Arm Landmine Row

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The single-arm landmine row is a great exercise for weightlifters, athletes, and bodybuilders looking to build strength and muscle in their upper body. This exercise targets multiple muscles including the lats, traps, posterior delts, arms, and rhomboids, while also engaging the core.

What makes this exercise particularly effective is that it allows you to load heavier weights compared to dumbbell rows, giving you a deeper stretch and intense contraction for your upper back and lats.

Incorporating the single-arm landmine row into your workout routine can help you achieve better overall upper-body strength and muscle development.

5. Single-Arm Landmine Chest Press

The Single-Arm Landmine Chest Press is a great exercise for weightlifters, athletes, and bodybuilders who experience shoulder irritation during traditional pressing movements. It specifically targets the triceps, chest, and anterior deltoid muscles.

By using different stances and grips, you can customize the landmine chest press to suit your individual needs and goals. Another variation of this exercise is the landmine fly, which allows you to isolate one arm at a time while targeting your pecs and anterior deltoids.

Give these exercises a try to build strength in your upper body without straining your shoulders!

6. Landmine Press (Plate Pinch Variation)

The landmine press with a plate pinch variation is a great exercise for building strength and muscle in your upper body. It specifically targets your chest, shoulders, and triceps muscles.

By gripping the weight plate in a pinch grip, you also engage your forearm muscles and improve grip strength. This exercise helps to stabilize your shoulder joint while providing a challenging movement pattern that activates multiple muscle groups at once.

Incorporating the landmine press with a plate pinch variation into your workout routine can help you develop functional strength, increase muscle size, and enhance overall upper body power.

7. Landmine Fly

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The landmine fly is a great exercise for targeting your chest and anterior deltoid muscles. It’s a good alternative when you don’t have access to traditional fly equipment. What’s great about the landmine fly is that it’s easier to track and control your movements, allowing for better isolation of these muscle groups.

You can also do this exercise one arm at a time, which helps address any muscle imbalances you may have. Overall, the landmine fly is an effective addition to your upper body workouts if you want to build strength and muscle in your chest and shoulders.

Landmine Exercises for Added Strength and Muscle Mass

Landmine exercises can be incredibly effective for building strength and muscle mass in the upper body. These exercises utilize multiplanar movements and engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, resulting in greater overall gains.

Here are some key landmine exercises to incorporate into your training routine: Landmine Goblet Squat, Landmine Belt Squat, Landmine Reverse Lunge, Landmine Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift, Landmine Single-Leg Hip Thrust, Landmine Single-Arm Row, Landmine Floor Press, Landmine Overhead Press, Landmine Curl, and Full Contact Twist.

Give these exercises a try to take your upper body training to the next level!

8. Landmine Goblet Squat

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It’s a versatile exercise that targets multiple muscle groups including the arms, shoulders, upper back, and abs.

Unlike traditional squats that put strain on the lower back, the landmine goblet squat transfers weight to the legs while minimizing stress on the lower back. This exercise is essential for building overall strength and muscle size, making it a valuable addition to any training routine.

So if you’re looking to take your upper body training to the next level, give the landmine goblet squat a try!

9. Landmine Belt Squat

The landmine belt squat is a great exercise for weightlifters, athletes, and bodybuilders who want to target their legs. It focuses on the quads, hamstrings, and glutes while minimizing stress on the lower back.

This is especially beneficial for those with lower back issues or anyone looking for an alternative to traditional squats. You can perform the landmine belt squat using a landmine station or by wedging the barbell into a corner or power rack.

It’s an effective way to develop lower body strength, power, muscle hypertrophy, and balance.

10. Landmine Reverse Lunge

The Landmine Reverse Lunge is a great upper body landmine exercise for athletes who are eager to target their legs while minimizing strain on the lower back. This exercise can help address muscle imbalances and asymmetries in the lower body, leading to improved strength and muscle mass.

By stepping back into a lunge position while holding onto the landmine barbell, you engage muscles in your quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and even your core. It’s an effective way to build lower body strength and achieve better overall conditioning.

So add the Landmine Reverse Lunge to your workout routine for stronger legs!

11. Landmine Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

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It targets important muscles like the glutes, hamstrings, traps, upper back, and abs.

This exercise helps address muscle imbalances and weaknesses while also improving stability, balance, and coordination. To get the most out of this exercise, it’s important to maintain proper form to avoid injury.

Gradually increasing the weight over time will help build strength effectively. So give the Landmine Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift a try to enhance your lower body strength and overall athletic performance!

12. Landmine Single-Leg Hip Thrust

It is one of the landmine upper body workouts that targets the glutes, hamstrings, quads, and lower back muscles. This exercise helps correct muscle imbalances between the left and right sides of the body.

By working one leg at a time, it activates the glute muscles to a greater extent than traditional bilateral hip thrusts. Performing this exercise with proper form and stability is important since it can be challenging.

The Landmine Single-Leg Hip Thrust can improve athletic performance and power in activities such as sprinting and jumping. So, give it a try to strengthen your lower body!

13. Landmine Single-Arm Row

The Landmine Single-Arm Row is a great exercise for targeting the back muscles and building strength and muscle in that area. It specifically focuses on efficient lat contractions, which helps improve overall upper body strength.

This exercise is especially beneficial for individuals with shoulder immobility as it allows them to train their back muscles without putting excessive stress on their shoulders. By incorporating the Landmine Single-Arm Row into your workout routine, you can effectively address any muscle weaknesses or imbalances while building overall upper body strength and muscle mass.

14. Landmine Floor Press

The landmine floor press is an effective exercise for building upper body strength and muscle mass. It targets the chest, triceps, and shoulders, helping to develop a strong and well-rounded upper body.

What makes this exercise unique is that it reduces strain on the shoulders compared to traditional bench presses. By using a landmine attachment instead of a barbell, you can adjust the movement based on your individual needs and goals.

Whether you choose to perform it with one arm or two arms, the landmine floor press allows for both unilateral and bilateral training. You can also vary your grip to target different muscles.

15. Landmine Overhead Press

The landmine overhead press is a great exercise for targeting the shoulder muscles. It’s an effective way to build strength and size in your shoulders, making it perfect for weightlifters, athletes, and bodybuilders.

The best part about this exercise is that it significantly reduces strain on your shoulder joints compared to traditional overhead presses. This is because the pressing angle is different with the landmine setup, allowing for a more natural range of motion.

You can also adjust your stance and grip to target different areas of your shoulders. Adding the landmine overhead press to your workout routine will not only help you develop strong and powerful shoulders but also improve core stability due to the engagement of the oblique muscles.

By incorporating landmine exercises into your training regimen, you can benefit from increased strength, power, endurance, muscle hypertrophy, and balance. So if you’re looking for an exercise that targets multiple muscle groups while reducing joint strain, give the landmine overhead press a try.

16. Landmine Curl

The landmine curl is a great exercise for weightlifters, athletes, and bodybuilders looking to build strength and muscle in their upper body. This exercise combines forearm-building and biceps-building benefits, making it an efficient way to target those muscles.

The thick grip used in the landmine curl also reduces strain on the elbow joint, minimizing the risk of injury. It can be adjusted to accommodate individual lifters’ needs and goals, allowing for progression over time.

By incorporating the landmine curl into your training routine, you can isolate and target the biceps muscles effectively while also building overall upper body strength.

17. Landmine Full Contact Twist

The full contact twist is a powerful exercise that targets multiple muscles, including the delts, obliques, abs, and erector spinae. It is one of the landmine exercises designed to build strength and muscle mass.

By incorporating rotational movements, it helps improve functionality and body coordination. The full contact twist can be used for developing strength, power, endurance, muscle hypertrophy, and balance.

Not only does it provide a new stimulus for progress in your workouts but also reduces the risk of injury when performed correctly. So if you’re looking to enhance your upper body training routine, give the full contact twist a try!

Primary Benefits of Landmine Training

Landmine training offers several key benefits, including the ability to perform multiplanar movements, develop core strength, improve grip strength, engage in rotational training, and promote shoulder health.

Multiplanar Movements

Landmine training lets you move in many ways. These are called multiplanar movements. You can turn, twist, and bend during your workout. This trains your body in all planes of motion.

It helps to build strength evenly around your joints. So, not only one side gets strong while the other stays weak. This balance protects you from injury and makes sure all parts of your muscles grow equally.

Core Strength

Building core strength is one of the main advantages of incorporating landmine training into your workout routine. The rotational movements involved in landmine exercises engage the muscles in your core, including the obliques and deep abdominal muscles.

This helps to improve stability and support for other exercises, as well as enhance overall athletic performance.

By strengthening your core through landmine training, you can also reduce the risk of injury and strain on other parts of your body. A strong core provides a solid foundation for lifting heavy weights and performing explosive movements, which can lead to greater gains in strength and muscle size.

Improved Grip Strength

Improved grip strength is a significant benefit of landmine training. When you hold onto the barbell or dumbbell during these exercises, your hands and forearms are working hard to maintain a secure grip.

This not only helps you lift heavier weights but also enhances your overall performance in other exercises that require hand strength, such as deadlifts and pull-ups. Additionally, having strong grip strength can improve your ability to perform daily activities that involve gripping and carrying objects.

So, by incorporating landmine exercises into your workout routine, you can develop a stronger grip that will benefit you both inside and outside the gym.

Rotational Training

Rotational training is a highly effective method for building strength and muscle in the upper body. By incorporating exercises that involve twisting or rotating movements, such as landmine exercises, you can target muscles in different planes of motion and improve your overall athletic performance.

Rotational training helps develop core strength, stability, and power, which are essential for sports like golf, baseball, and tennis. It also reduces the risk of injuries by strengthening the muscles that support your shoulder joint.

So, if you’re looking to take your upper body strength and muscle gains to the next level, consider adding rotational training with landmine exercises to your workout routine.

Shoulder Health

Strong and healthy shoulders are essential for weightlifters, athletes, and bodybuilders. Landmine exercises can help improve shoulder health by strengthening the muscles around the shoulder joint.

The landmine press, in particular, is a great alternative for those with shoulder irritation from traditional pressing movements. It allows you to train your shoulders on a more diagonal path, reducing strain on the joint.

Additionally, landmine exercises can be beneficial for individuals with shoulder immobility as they provide a different range of motion that can help increase flexibility and mobility in the shoulders.

Programming Landmine Exercises for Optimal Results

To maximize the results of your landmine exercises, it’s important to have a well-designed training program. Start by incorporating a variety of landmine exercises that target different muscle groups like the shoulders, chest, and triceps.

This will ensure balanced strength development throughout your upper body.

When programming your workouts, consider factors such as sets, reps, and intensity. Aim for 3-4 sets of each exercise with a rep range of 8-12 for muscle growth or higher reps (15+) for muscular endurance.

Adjust the weight or difficulty level to challenge yourself without compromising proper form.

Remember to include rest days between workouts to allow your muscles time to recover and grow stronger. Additionally, consider alternating between heavier lifting days focusing on strength and lower reps, and lighter lifting days focusing on endurance with higher reps.

By incorporating progressive overload into your training program – gradually increasing the weight or difficulty over time – you’ll continue challenging your muscles and stimulating growth.

This can be done by adding small increments in weights or progressing from bilateral exercises (using both arms) to unilateral exercises (using one arm).

Overall, consistency is key when programming landmine exercises for optimal results. Stick to a regular routine that includes proper warm-up before exercising and cool-down stretches afterward.

By following these guidelines and listening to your body’s needs, you’ll see improvements in strength, muscle size, and overall conditioning through effective landmine training.


Incorporating landmine exercises into your training routine is a great way to build upper body strength and muscle. These versatile exercises target multiple muscle groups, improve core stability, and can be adjusted to suit your goals.

Whether you’re an athlete, weightlifter, or bodybuilder, adding landmine exercises to your workouts can provide unique challenges and help you reach new levels of strength and power.

So grab a barbell or dumbbell, set up your landmine station, and start reaping the benefits of these effective upper body exercises today!


What are some good landmine upper body exercises to build strength?

Landmine shoulder press, t bar chest press, single arm landmine row, and the landmine thruster are all great for building size and power in the upper body.

Can landmine exercises help with training my back and lats?

Yes! Landmine back exercises like the barbell row make full lat contractions possible. This helps train your upper back and lats effectively.

How can I use a landmine to work on my chest muscles?

You can try doing the landmine chest press or mimic plate pinch presses with a collar at lockout position for overloading pec muscles.

Are there any benefits of doing the single arm landmime row exercise?

The Single Arm Landmime Row helps in training deltoids and rotational strength while reducing stress off your shoulder joint.

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